Sunday, February 24, 2008


My views on the split of Couples For Christ and its effects on Gawad Kalinga

This thing that happened to GK affecting the whole country, soon revealed internationally and made available in the virtual world presented a lot of issues and concerns for a true believer in God the Father Almighty to think about.

Groups and organized religions are tools that could either aid in one’s spiritual enlightenment…or, sadly, in one’s eternal doom.

To reveal the truth is to allow people the chance to see what they are following…not blindly.

If this is really God the Father Almighty’s work and for His own glory, He will protect it the way He has protected the Ark of the Covenant when it fell into the hands of the Philistines.

What transpired in GK is to reveal the truth about people’s true intentions, the insincerity of others and the monopoly of one religious group in expressing love for others when in truth what matters in the Last Judgment is the purity of our heart and soul.

Here also … what is revealed are the whitewashed walls and how unleavened …or leavened…the bread is.

CFC started only in the early 80s…and GK followed. All these happened in the midst of the continuing plunge of the state of morality in our country worsened by corruption and dirty politics. Also, the fact that serious issues regarding conflicts among Christian groups are still not settled, especially about doctrines.

The questions is, why did and what made the country arrive in that sorry state prior to the foundation of CFC? Were we not believers ever since?

Therefore, there are still a lot of stories to unfold as the battle to introduce God the Father Almighty and His will to the people continues against forces that either try to ignore Him or twist His truth.

What a true believer in the message of Lord Jesus Christ must do is to study the real essence of Christianity and endure till the end…because the sad thing to hear when that time comes is ” I never knew you” …from Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

(Read more here. Also read Boo Chanco’s Is Gawad Kalinga too good to last?)